France - Market OpportunitiesFrance - Market Opportunities
France is an economically developed nation with a large, diverse and sophisticated consumer base. While manufacturing has declined as a percentage of GDP, many of France’s remaining industries, such as aerospace and pharmaceuticals, are still world leaders and receptive to foreign partners and suppliers. Its comparatively affluent populace is a leading consumer of services, particularly in the digital, educational and travel sectors.
Opportunities for U.S. exporters with innovative products can be found in a wide range of sectors, including aerospace, food products, pharmaceuticals, microelectronics, logistics, and healthcare equipment. Call centers, biotechnology, telecommunications, information and communication technology, E-commerce, E-mobility, Advanced manufacturing, smart cities and environment are other sectors with high potential.
The French market for food products is mature, sophisticated, and well served by suppliers from around the world. An increasing interest in American culture, younger environmentally-conscious consumers, and changing lifestyles contribute to France’s import demand for American consumer and food products.
A full report, prepared by the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service for U.S. exporters of food products can be viewed at: